Thursday 25 August 2022


Are You Where You Belong?

Just the other day, as I read a brief devotional, a seven-word phrase literally jumped off the page at me and has stuck in my mind ever since.

I have felt frustrated often lately, at well-meaning people telling me that I’m too busy. I have been discouraged at others misunderstanding my season of life and deciding that they need to remind me of the crazy schedules I currently run, the work I do, the hours I have in a day etc.

Now, I know that their comments are often well-intentioned, but they get old very quickly.

“You’re so busy.”

“I know that you have your hands full”

“I didn’t want to bother you as I knew you’d be busy”

“I just didn’t think you’d have time”

So often, it’s easy for us to point out what we may see as failings in others lives, while not realising we are in the same boat, or have been in the past.

Yes, I am currently living in what seems a very busy season of life. I seem to need my running shoes on 24/7. But if I stop and really think about it, I remember, that as a young mum of 5 little girls, under 7, I was super busy then too. It was just a different busyness.

The days were long and hard, with home-schooling, keeping house, babies, toddlers, being a good wife and mother and all that goes along with raising little ones. Learning about getting along with my husband in the new and amazing season of life I found myself in not long after walking down the aisle, with babies coming along one after the other, and all of life’s new challenges.

Those years were very busy ones, and I wouldn’t change them for anything. They were hard, but they were rewarding. They were challenging, but they were a time of learning and growth.

There were days when I felt just as I do now. Tired. Exhausted. Weary. Frustrated. Busy. Yes, busy.

So, let’s go back to that seven-word phrase I mentioned that made such an impression, that I had to write about it.

“I’m not busy – I’m where I belong”

When I read this, it was as if I finally had an answer. An answer to the “you’re too busy” statements.

I realised, that although others see me as being too busy, we are all in our own way, busy. Everyone has a certain amount of busyness that they live in. And each one of us has a unique busyness.

But I know I’m where I belong.

I know that God has put me here, in this season, doing this line of work, with no predictability of any sort, on call 24/7 for my husband’s current work schedule, enjoying beautiful little grandbabies and a large group of extended ‘adopted’ family, ministering as I need to, to other women in the church, whether through text, or Bible Study or a simple coffee break.

God has me where I belong.

“I’m not busy – I’m where I belong”

And whatever God has me doing and for however long, I need to do it wholeheartedly.

Colossians 3:23-24 KJV - And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

Who are we to judge what busyness looks like? I think that there is often a misunderstanding of another’s calling to do and to be.

When we look at another person’s busy life and it looks vastly different to our own, we can be quick to judge or criticize and point out the need to take time out, rest, do less, be less.

Now, I do want to say that I think it’s good to remind one another of the need to rest, especially if we see someone hurtling down the slippery slope to burnout. But I also think that we need to take the time to listen to their side of the story first.

Take the time to sit and let them explain the reason for the season they’re in and how they are dealing with it and what they have set in place to protect against burning out.

Don’t be quick to judge. Be quick to listen. Slow to speak. (I’m definitely still working on this one!)

James 1:19 KJV - Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

Can I encourage you to stop the words before they come out of your mouth? Stop the “you’re too busy” phrases. Don’t fear inviting that friend over or out for coffee, thinking that they’re just too busy.

Go ahead and show you care. Show that you want to make time for them and that you’re happy to listen to their reasons for what you see as a hectic season. It could be just what they need. A reason to stop and take a break, and just breathe and be calm for a short time.

I have found that when you really want to do something, you will make time for it. You will find ways around things in order to put them into your schedule.

I have also found, over and over, when I am having a super crazy week, but my heart’s desire is to sit at Jesus’ feet and study and learn from him, that he allows little slots of time to open up, little windows of opportunity that I can choose to hold on to and use for him.

He always manages to rearrange my days and helps me with my priorities, so that I am able to make time for a friend, or get to that appointment, or lie on the couch just listening to worship music because my soul needs it.

So, if you’re busy today, take a step back and just assess the situation. Are you busy? Yes. But are you where you belong?

If you know you are right where you belong, doing the will of the Lord, then keep on. Forge ahead. Soldier on. Take time out to rest when you need it, learn to listen to your soul when it needs refreshing and do everything heartily as to the Lord.

Don’t fear the judgement of others. Walk in the will of the Lord and he will see that you have time for the important things.

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