Saturday 4 May 2024

 The Never-Ending Mercies of God


Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV - It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

There is a beautiful chorus, written a few years ago, that comes to mind every so often and I find myself singing it and playing its lovely melody occasionally as I sit at the piano.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercies never come to an end.
They are new ev’ry morning, new ev’ry morning,
Great is Thy faithfulness, O Lord,
Great is Thy faithfulness.

The song is based on the verses found in the third chapter of the Book of Lamentations.

The book of Lamentations is not a book I read often, with its woeful descriptions of Jerusalem’s downfall, and yet it holds great hope for God’s people. It was written by Jeremiah, often called the ‘weeping prophet’ (Lam. 3:48-49), because of his passion for the people and their city and the many tears he shed on their behalf.

It is a book of laments (a passionate expression of grief or sorrow) over the fall of Jerusalem caused by the sinful condition of Judah. Lamenting is something we avoid and not a word we use commonly, but in ancient times, it was a very real thing.

The people of Judah were experiencing God’s judgement because they refused to turn from their sin back to God.

The prophet Jeremiah wrote Lamentations in a time of grief and mourning after the once great city of Jerusalem fell to Babylon. God allowed the Babylonians to plunder, burn and destroy the city of Jerusalem because of their unwillingness to repent. Even Solomon’s temple, which had stood for 400 years, in all its splendour and glory, was burned to the ground. (2 Kings 25:9)

As you read through the book of Lamentations, the tone is that of despair, weeping, captivity, persecution and desolation. It’s not a pleasant book to read. And yet, as we make our way through the misery we read verse after verse, we finally come to chapter 3 and verse 21. And there, right in the middle of the book, like rain after drought, like the dawning of a new day, we read a beautiful passage of confidence and hope.

Jeremiah’s despair turns to hope.

Lamentations 3:21 KJV - This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.

After all the expressions of sorrow and heartache, we begin to see a glimmer of hope. Jeremiah, even after all he’s seen, hasn’t given up on God. He still has hope.

Skip down to verses 24-26, and we’ll come back to 22 and 23 soon.

Lamentations 3:24-26 KJV - The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.

These verses, in the middle of the book, are a statement of faith. The faith of Jeremiah standing strong in the midst of surrounding darkness that shines a beacon to all those suffering under the consequences of their own sin.

Yes, the book reminds us of the heavy price we pay when we choose to sin, but it also gives hope to those who choose to repent.

As we know, later on God restored his people to their land and blessed them once again.

The beauty of this book of Lamentations is that even the most sinful person can find hope in God who is willing to pour out his abundant mercy and grace on any who come to him in repentance.

And for the Christian, as we live our daily lives and we falter and fail, God is willing and able to forgive.

Now, back to the most familiar verses in the whole book of Lamentations and the verses the little chorus is based upon.

Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV - It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

In some Bible versions, the word stedfast is used to paint a picture of God’s firm, immoveable, unchanging love.

We know that God’s love abides even in times of trouble and in times of judgment. God never once stopped loving Israel, despite their sin. It was God’s great love that spared the people from being utterly wiped out by Babylon.

When you grasp the fact that God’s love is never ending and unchangeable, you will understand more about God’s mercy. Mercy is a byproduct of God’s love. Since God’s love will never end, neither will his mercy.

God’s mercy, put simply, is God’s goodness, compassion, lovingkindness and favour. Though we deserve punishment, God reaches down and extends his arm of blessing.

And so, it is because of God’s great love and mercy that we are not consumed, destroyed, finished, given up on.

It’s nothing we have done, it is all that he has done. On our behalf.

We are told that his mercy and compassions ‘fail not’. The Hebrew word for this is ‘kala’. It literally means finished. Completed. Worn out. Failed. Perished. Used up. Exhausted.

Think about it like this.

God’s mercy towards you:

Will never finish

Will never be gone

Will never fail

Will never perish

Will never be exhausted

Will never run out

Will never fail

Will never grow weary.

And just when you thought this promise was too good to be true, keep reading, there’s more!

“They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

So, if you thought that God’s mercies would tire, Jeremiah reminds us that they are new every morning. In other words, every morning is a new beginning.

God gives mercy for each day, and it is refilled and refreshed every morning.

It’s not just about availability, it’s also about access. Regardless of how often we have to rely on his mercy, which in reality is every day, you can always come back for more.

It’s not a license to sin but it is a promise to those who walk in obedience to him.

The last line of verse 23 ties it all together. “Great is thy faithfulness”.

The reason we can depend on God’s mercy and compassion, is because of his faithfulness. It is God’s faithfulness to his Word and the promises we find there, that ensures us new mercies each morning.

We are told in Psalm 138 that God honours his Word above his name.

Psalm 138:2 KJV - I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

(interestingly, the word for lovingkindness is the same Hebrew word used for mercy)

God is true to his Word. He never breaks a promise.

There is no expiration date on God’s mercy. With the dawn of every day comes another store of compassion made available to us. His stores are infinite.

No matter which side of the bed we get up on, we will find God’s mercies awaiting us.

Don’t neglect the conditions on your way to the blessings though.

Lamentations 3:25 KJV - The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

We are granted new mercies, but we are reminded that God requires us to wait on him (patiently) and also to seek (follow) him.

We need to repent quickly. We need to keep short accounts. Recognize the value of his mercy and don’t let it be an excuse for sin. Instead, let it be the reason you come running to him in repentance.

We also need to renew frequently. Regardless of the sins of yesterday, we need to come to God in repentance, renew our commitment to him and begin each day afresh. When we fall on our face and fail him, we can reach out our arms to him, letting him set our feet on solid ground once again and bathe in his forgiveness and love.

And we need to remember to rejoice continually. Because of God’s stedfast love, we don’t have to wonder if God has changed his mind. We can live with the assurance that his mercies are never-ending and that they will always be accessible. This should give us cause to rejoice each and every day.

The Lord Jesus, the God of creation, is the same yesterday, today and forever. He will never change. We can rest on his promises and hold fast to his Word.


Hebrews 13:8 KJV - Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.






Friday 26 April 2024


Worship is a Weapon


I recently wrote a post on giving the enemy a seat at your table, based on Psalm 23:5.

Psalm 23:5 KJV - 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Remember, God prepares a table for us, but it is not out of sight of our enemies. It is in the presence of them. In full view.

The Christian walk is a daily battle against the flesh. But the battle begins in our mind. We don’t fight a physical fight, we fight a spiritual battle, that can only be won with supernatural spiritual power, and that power comes from God. (Ephesians 6:12)

I have often wondered why it is that God prepares the table in the midst of our enemies. It doesn’t seem to make sense. But just because it doesn’t make sense, doesn’t mean God is not in control. He knows what he’s doing.

Let me stop and say something really important right here.

The power of the table is not what’s on it, but who’s at it!

In other words, it’s not all about the feast, it’s about the King. The Almighty. The God of Creation, who chooses to sit with us at the table he has prepared.

One of our best defences against the Devil is getting to know Jesus intimately. I don’t mean knowing about him, I mean knowing him personally.

There is a lot of difference between knowing a lot about something and truly experiencing something up close.

We have to learn to linger with Jesus. To sit at the table with him. Learning from him and about him and loving him with our whole heart. Just as Mary did, sitting at his feet. (Luke 10:39)

When our eyes are fixed on the host of the table, we won’t be so concerned about who is looking on.

If you want ammunition against the Devil, you have to get to know Jesus. You have to learn about his character. You have to read the Word to learn the truth about him. You have to explore his grace, his mercy, love, holiness, omnipotence through letting the Holy Spirit guide you in all truth. (John 16:13 and John 14:26)

How do we get to know God? We spend time talking with him, reading his Word, going through life’s trials and seeing God work, experiencing his love and grace.

The Bible is a story of God’s greatness. It’s not all about us. It’s about him. God’s glory matters.

Did you know that we become what we worship?

Take a look at Psalm 115. In this Psalm, we read about the idols of the heathens. We read that they have mouths, but they can’t speak. Ears, but they can’t hear. Eyes, but they can’t see, and so on. And then we come to verse 8.

Psalm 115:8 KJV - They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.

Did you notice that little phrase, “so is every one”?

If you are worshiping idols, whatever that is in your life, then you will become like them. But if you are worshipping God, then you will become like him.

We know it’s true about our friends, those that influence us, then why would it not be true of God? If we spend time at the table with Christ, lingering, learning, loving and worshipping, then we will become more like him.

When we focus on Jesus, our countenance changes.

Psalm 34:4-5 KJV -  I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.

I love that one of the definitions of that word ‘lightened’, means to sparkle.

The hope that Jesus gives, shines from our eyes. Or at least it should. We’ve all heard the jokes about Christians having a long face. It’s not a compliment, and let’s hope it is never said of you.

We need the world around us to see the light of Christ in our eyes, noticing something different about us.

And this brings me back to my questioning God about the table being in the midst of our enemies.

When you sit at the table with Christ, the enemy has ringside seats. If you have not invited them to sit down, by your thoughts or actions, they are watching on. What do they see?

Do they see your face glowing as you stare into the face of God’s majesty and glory?

Do they see that you are so transfixed by Christ’s presence that their existence does not faze you?

I wonder if one of the reasons God allows them to be present is so that our enemies can watch us shine? They can see not only God’s glory, but our testimony as we seek to be lights in a dark world.

Maybe, if others see Christ in you and notice how you react or respond to things in your life, maybe, they will stop staring at you and turn their attention to Christ. We know that if they don’t bow now, they will have to later. (Romans 14:11)

I know I may be confusing some, with my reference to enemies switching back and forth from the Devil to the world, but I think we need to be mindful of both. We know that the Devil is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) and he is like a roaring lion seeking to devour us (1 Peter 5:8).

The world is also our enemy. If they are not for God, then they are against him. But we are told to love our enemies. We are not however, told to love the Devil. Satan cannot come to repentance and there is no hope for his redemption, he has been defeated already and has his future signed and sealed. But the world, on the other hand, has the ability to turn to Christ.

And so, at our table we sit, with Christ, and with the world and our enemy, Satan, looking on.

Worship is a weapon.

Strange choice of words, I know. But as I mentioned in my last post Don’t ever underestimate the power of thanksgiving, praise and worship. When the enemy is attacking and you make the choice to praise God and focus your attention on what he has done in the past and what he will do in the future, the Devil has no choice but to fall back.

As our enemies stand about, watching us at our table, they can hear our song of worship. The Devil despises worship of God, but the world looks at it and marvels.

The world longs for peace and hope and is always seeking someone or something to worship. When they see our heartfelt, sincere gratitude to God, despite the difficulties we face, when they see us giving praise to God although things seem a mess, it causes them to ponder, and our ‘weapon of worship’ can be a shining light that leads them to Christ.

I pray that you are choosing worship. The apostle Paul tells us that as sons of God we are to shine like the stars in a dark world. (Philippians 2:14-16) Just as the stars shine in the heavens, so are we to shine for the Lord. The word ‘lights’ has to do with being illuminators. We are to make manifest or make clear the gospel and good news to all. We are told to be lights in the world. (Matthew 5:14-16)

It’s not all about us. It’s all about Christ and His glory. Jesus is the light.  We are just reflectors of His light. And when our lamps are all smoky and we let our testimonies get tarnished, we need to clean them up and repent, so that we can shine brighter.

But how? We have to stay connected to the power source or we become weak and ineffective. We need constant recharging – walking and talking with God 24/7. Just like a mobile phone will slowly be depleted of its power and battery life, when it is unplugged from its power source, we too will run low on power if we are not in the Word of God daily, refreshing our souls, talking with the Lord and listening to Him speak to us. We have to recharge daily.

And we have to sit at the table with him. In the presence of our enemies.

As one writer put it, “You have to think less about the Devil or the evil you’re trying to avoid and think more about God and the truth you’re aiming to embrace.” (Philippians 4:8)

We win the battle because of who sits at the table with us when we’re surrounded on every side. We win the battle when we choose to become more like Christ through worship of him. We win the battle when we decide to take our thoughts captive, in obedience to Christ, identifying them for what they are, binding them in Jesus’ name and speaking God’s truth over them. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

But we won’t know God’s truth if we don’t take the time to know Christ.

You have a choice. You can fight the battle for your mind because of God’s power and experience a great victory, or you can choose to struggle on, listening to lies and spiralling because you have neglected to know Christ intimately, through his Word.

It’s up to you.

You choose.

Psalm 23:4-5 KJV - Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.








Saturday 20 April 2024


When the Enemy Attacks, Fly Higher


I read something really interesting the other day regarding eagles and crows. There’s a reason a group of crows is called a “murder of crows”. Not a very complimentary name, is it?

Crows are often called the ‘gangsters of the sky’ and the reason they’re given this title is because their attacks are cunning, crafty and overwhelming to their unsuspecting victims.

They may be smaller in size in comparison to other birds, but their sense of entitlement pushes them to lay claim to anything appealing and they don’t have a preference as to what or who stands in their way.

Not only are crows cunning and crafty, they are also thieves. Hunting takes a lot of energy, and so they resort to theft of another’s food.

Individually, they are small, but together, they are a powerful force. They are intelligent and they are fast. Doing a little research, I found that the jury is still out on a correct number, but it seems that crows can fly at speeds of up to 100 km per hour!

Crows don’t ‘fight fair’. They will use their numbers to intimidate and confuse their victims, with their incessant cries and their tag-team tactics, they slowly wear down their victim.

But there is an interesting scenario that has been witnessed and photographed many times. A lone crow will choose an eagle to torment. An eagle! One of the largest of birds, powerful, grand, and the strongest bird of prey.

The crow will dive bomb an eagle, peck at it, pull its feathers and sometimes land on its back. It’s hard to imagine that the eagle, an undisputed king of the air, predatory and powerful, would be so tormented by a common crow.

They do this for many reasons. Sometimes it’s simply the fact that crows are territorial and are not keen on sharing spaces. Another reason is for protection of their young, they often keep in groups to keep predators from getting too close to their nests. And as I mentioned before, they are thieves. Hunting for food is time consuming and difficult, so if a crow can steal another’s birds’ eggs or food, they will gladly do so. By using numbers to their advantage, they can often distract a larger bird and catch them unaware.

If a ‘murder’ of crows begins to torment an eagle, or a brave lone crow decides to take on an eagle on its own, the eagle does something very clever.

Before I tell you what that is, remember, that although the eagle is more powerful, the crows are incessant and don’t give up easily. They will chase their opponent for miles and miles. Pecking, dive-bombing, using their loud cry ‘caw-caw’ to drive their victim into a state of confusion and frustration which leads to mistakes being made and harm being done, or food being stolen.

So, what is this clever, ingenious way the eagle has to defeat the crow? Keep in mind that despite the eagle being one of the deadliest birds of prey, they are not eager to get hurt as this could damage their hunting prowess and cause a food shortage.

When a crow or many crows attack, the eagle does what it does best. It climbs higher. It turns its focus upwards and heads for heights that a crow cannot reach.

The eagle can fly to heights of 10 000 feet, while a crow can only reach 7000 feet. Anything above that and the crow will become dizzy and faint due to their lung capacity being so much smaller than an eagles.

When a crow is on its tail, the eagle's only option is to fly higher. It can only really be safe when it reaches an altitude that the crow can no longer reach, which causes him to give up on the fight.

Okay, so what to do with all this information about eagles and crows.

Did all this talk of cunning, craftiness, theft, incessant cries and torment remind you of anyone?

The Devil.

We are told that our enemy, the Devil is a thief and a liar, he prowls around seeking to devour us. He desires to bring us down, to defeat us. He wants to intimidate us, rob us, hurt us.

When God is about to bless us, the Devil is close by, ready to snatch it out of our grasp. He is relentless, and his whispers of lies, negativity and accusations hope to wear us down, pecking at our minds, pulling at us from every angle.

So, what are we to do when the Devil hops on our back and begins his persistent attack? We turn our gaze upward and climb higher.

We don’t stick around, dwelling on the negative and harmful thoughts. We don’t focus on the attack, listening to the voices. We focus our attention upward.

We have to forget what the enemy is doing and remember what God has already done. Satan is already a defeated foe. Christ has already won the victory.

We have to go where the enemy can’t follow. Higher. Upwards. Into the presence of God.

Easy to say, but how do we do that practically? Where is God’s presence?

Look at this verse in the Psalms.

Psalm 22:3 KJV -  But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.

This verse tells us that God inhabits the praises of his people. In other words, one way we can defeat the enemy is with our praise and worship of God!

If you’re still unconvinced, let me give you some examples in scripture where an act of praise and worship caused bonds to break and victories to be won.

David’s worship caused an evil spirit to flee from Saul (1 Samuel 16:23)

Paul and Silas’ worship broke their chains and freed them from prison (Acts 16:24-26)

Jehosaphat and the people of Israel praised God and God fought the battle for them (2 Chronicles 20:19-22)

Don’t ever underestimate the power of thanksgiving, praise and worship. When the enemy is attacking and you make the choice to praise God and focus your attention on what he has done in the past and what he will do in the future, the Devil has no choice but to fall back.

We have to focus our attention on getting higher. We have to rise above the circumstance, the depression, the hurt, the fear, the doubt. We have to draw closer to God.

The closer you draw to God, the less the enemy can stand it. The air will get too thin for him, he won’t be able to breathe, he won’t be able to stand your praise of God and he will drop off his attack.

But don’t be fooled that he’s given up completely, he will rise to fight another day, so you have to be on your guard. Keep your spiritual armour on (Ephesians 6) and be watchful.

As you meditate on God’s goodness, his love, his mercy, his compassion, his almighty, unchanging power, the enemy will begin to seem small and insignificant in comparison.

Keep in mind this promise to claim and praise God with all your heart, soul and mind.

Psalm 121:1-2 KJV - I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

When the enemy attacks, use worship and praise and thanksgiving to put wind under your wings and lift you higher, out of reach.

Fly higher!


Friday 12 April 2024

Are you giving him a seat at your table?

Psalm 23:4-5 KJV - Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Psalm 23 is a very well-known Psalm. It is a beautiful Psalm that depicts Christ as our Shepherd, lovingly keeping watch over us and providing for us. But did you ever notice something interesting in verse 5?

We are told that God prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies. That’s right. In view of them. Not away from. Not hidden, but in plain sight.

So, as we sit at the table prepared for us, we are surrounded by our enemies. They are not seated at our table, but they have a view of our table.

I recently wrote a post entitled ‘Even though, I will’.

In it I talked about Habakkuk and his determination to give praise to God even though he faced difficult circumstances.

In this verse in Psalms, we find this theme once again. Even though I am surrounded by my enemies, I will choose to sit down. The Psalmist chose to sit down at the table prepared for him by the Good Shepherd, and take the time to fellowship with him, even though his enemies were in view.

Do you realise that the enemy, our greatest foe, the Devil, wants a seat at your table? And the way you invite him to your table is through your thoughts.

Our thoughts determine our actions. Proverbs 23:7a For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:

We know that the Devil is out to get us. He will do whatever it takes to drag us down and take our focus off Christ. He hates God. He wants to bury the purpose that God has put inside of us. He wants to steal our joy, our self-worth, our confidence and hope. He wants to ruin our relationships and our reputations.

1 Peter 5:8 KJV - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

In Psalm 23 we are encouraged to learn that Christ, as the Good Shepherd, leads us and guides us, he gives us nourishment, he protects us, he is with us, he gives us rest, his goodness and mercy is with us continually and he desires fellowship with us around the table he has prepared.

But there is an enemy. We can’t stop the Devil from prowling around our table, but we do have a choice whether to allow him to sit down.

He never comes in loudly, announcing his presence and intentions. No, he comes in a side door. He is subtle, and crafty and cunning.

He slowly and quietly pulls up a chair, being careful to make no noise. He leans in, he appears to be helpful (Genesis 3:1-5). He may even quote scripture (out of context, of course). He appears empathetic. He offers something good. He appeals to our basic human needs.

The best way that the Devil knows to do this is by planting thoughts in your mind. He knows that all too often, these thoughts will turn into actions and then the spiral begins.

A temptation or thought enters our mind, one that didn’t come from God. We begin to dwell on it and before we know it, it has taken over and we begin spiralling down into the dark abyss.

The truths we know about God begin to fade from view and are replaced by lies.

The enemy is invited to our table when we entertain the lies he is feeding us.

Maybe it’s the lie of comparison – comparing ourselves with others, resulting in discontentment.

Or the lie that you’re doomed – you’re never going to make it through…..(fill in the blank)

Or the lie of worthlessness – you’ll never be good enough.

Or the lie that everyone is against you and no one cares about you.

Or the lie that there is no way out.

As we listen to the Devil’s lies and fail to remember God’s truth, he casually reaches out a hand and begins to eat our lunch.

We have to STOP BELIEVING THE LIES! (read more on this here: 

We have to identify the lie. The reality is that harmful thoughts come from the enemy. He uses our desires against us.

James understood something of this and sent us a warning.

James 1:13-15 KJV - 13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: 14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

We are lured by our own desires. The Devil knows where to touch us to make us react. He knows the weak spots to hone in on.

I personally fight a daily battle with my thoughts. Having experienced a season of debilitating depression and anxiety, I am constantly on high alert as to where my thoughts are taking me.

Just yesterday, as I was doing my deliveries after a long and hard couple of weeks, tired emotionally and physically, the Devil put a thought in my head that I knew was not from God.

And the reason I knew it wasn’t from God was because of what I know of God’s character. The more I am in his Word, the more I learn of him and the more I know his voice when he speaks. I recognize when a voice speaks that is not his and is foreign to me.

And the battle began in earnest.

I began to speak truth over myself. I reminded myself of God’s goodness to me and the new identity he gave me when I became a chosen, loved, forgiven Child of God.

I began to list all the things I had to be thankful for. I recalled verses of Scripture that would pierce the Devil and send him back into his corner.  (Ephesians 6:17). Even the Lord Jesus himself used the Words of Life to fight the Devil when he was tempted. (Matthew 4)

What I was doing was making the choice to refuse him a seat at my table.

I refused to let him pull up a chair and stay a while. Instead, I chose sweet fellowship with my Father and to delight in the delicacies he had placed there. Things like grace, mercy, love, compassion, closeness and intimacy with him.

Can I remind you of the importance of being careful who you invite to your table? Misery loves company, and you will find that there will be people that come into your life that you have to limit your exposure to. You know who I mean. These are the people that drag you down. Emotionally and spiritually. Maybe they don’t mean to, but they have a spirit of discontent and bitterness, and their presence will influence you and your thoughts.

We need to show love and compassion and help those in need, but we also need to be careful that we don’t get pulled down to their level. Instead, we need to speak words of truth over them and be an encouragement, continually bringing to their mind the Words of Life.

We have to realise that we are in a spiritual battle every day. It’s not a flesh and blood battle we face, but a spiritual one. We have a battle to fight in our minds every day. This is where the battle is the hottest and the strongest and the hardest. The Devil knows this, and this is why he works so hard warring against you when you choose to think right.

Ask yourself, “Does this thought come from God? Does it line up with Scripture?” (Philippians 4:8). If it doesn’t, then go to war! Take the thought captive and throw it out.

Remember, you are not fighting alone. God is faithful and he is present.

1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV - 13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

He is always ready to come to our rescue when we call out. Whether it’s reminding us of a promise in the Bible when we’re struggling with thoughts that send us spiralling, or whether it’s the hand of a friend reaching out in love, he knows what we need, when we need it, and if we keep our eyes on him, he will pull us up, pick up our toppled chair, seat us once again at his table and we can feast with him, surrounded by our enemies, but not overcome by them.

“The battle isn’t won because the pressure lifts or the circumstances change. The battle is won because of who sits at the table with us when we are surrounded.”

Jesus has already won the battle over Satan. He has been defeated. His fate is sealed. We are joined with Christ through our new identity, and we can refuse the enemy a seat at our table simply because of who we have sitting beside us. Christ. Our Good Shepherd. Our protector and warrior who fights for us and with us.

The table is a table for two. Christ and you. There is no room for the enemy. He is not invited, and he is not welcome. Don’t give him a seat at your table!

2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV - Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

You have a choice!

Saturday 30 March 2024


Abigail McKenna

Testimony of Salvation

I was born and raised in a wonderful Christian home. Coming from generations of Christian families was a blessing I took for granted when I was younger. I now realize just how amazing it really is to be surrounded by so many people who not only love and support me but also believe and serve the same true God as I do.

I was saved at the age of 12 on the night of the 31st of August as I sat on the end of my parent's bed and prayed that God would come into my heart and forgive me of my sins. After many years of pushing against it and putting it off for another day, (in part because I didn’t know what people would think of me for waiting so long even though I had known the truth about heaven and hell and what it meant to be saved for some time, and I also figured that because I was young, I would have plenty of time to do it later), I finally had true peace that only God can give.

From the time I asked Jesus to save me and take control of my life, I felt a peace like no other. I had moments of doubt from time to time but God always reminded me that my eternity was settled.

I was baptized a couple years later, but the date has slipped my mind.

And now as I write this as a 26 year old mum of 4 (soon to be 5), I am reminded daily of the amazing and awesome God we serve. I am so thankful for the man he has given me to serve beside and raise children with. And for parents who raised me and my siblings the way they did and for the love and support they give me and my family.

Life certainly hasn’t been all smooth and easy but I know God is right here with us, leading and guiding though every hardship life will bring. Before I finish, I want to share a story of the time I learnt what it meant to truly fear God.


On this one particular night not so long ago, my husband and kids were all asleep and I was loading the car for a town trip the next day and cleaning all the mess from that day. It was close to midnight, I was exhausted and stressed about the list of things that needed to be done and all the things that were hanging over me making me feel like I wasn’t enough. And the pain and heartache that I carried from having two miscarriages. I felt so far from God that night and not even sure he was hearing my prayers. 

So, I sat down outside in the dark under the stars and I prayed something like this “God if you can really hear me and if you really care about me, show me with a shooting star”. Now it does sound a little crazy, but I really needed God to show me his love in a way I could see and understand. So, after I prayed, I sat there not sure of what was going to happen and in less than 15 seconds God sent a star shooting across the sky right in front of me. In that moment it felt like God was right there with me telling me “It’s ok my child I’ve got you and I do care”.  I wasn’t afraid even though it made the hair on my neck stand up, I was just in awe of how much God cared for me. I was just one person and God had time for me. I finally knew what true righteous fear was and that I didn’t need to be afraid of God in order to fear Him.

It felt like such a silly thing to pray for, but God knew it was exactly what I needed, and he did it just for me. Now as awesome as that was of course my mind was like, "well shooting stars happen all the time and maybe it was just a coincidence". So, I prayed once more for God to show another shooting star so I would not doubt He was there with me. And again within 15 seconds He shot one across the sky and I knew that He really was there with me the whole time, through my heartaches and troubles. And that I should not doubt again.

I want to encourage anyone who feels alone or like God is not listening to your prayers and cries, He is, and you are not alone. Maybe God is silent because He is waiting for you to turn back to him. Open your heart and let him work in your life. Remember He will never leave or forsake you.

Thursday 28 March 2024


Are you looking for the “Ones”?


Have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus cares for individuals? Yes, I know that you know that he cares for us. He died on a cruel cross so that we could have life eternal. But did you ever stop to think about the example he set for us when it comes to caring for the individual? The “one”.

In our day and age, often we see churches running huge programs and ministries that promote community and connectedness as a whole, but sometimes, and this is not always the case, sometimes the individual is overlooked.

Jesus’ ministry focused on individuals. Yes, he preached to massive crowds and worked with large groups of people, but it wasn’t all about numbers. It wasn’t all about crowds.

He wasn’t concerned with counting heads and keeping tally.

He was interested in the “one”. Just think of all the examples in scripture where Jesus took time to reach out to the “one”.

In John 9, we read of a man who Jesus touched, both spiritually and physically. He made clay from the dust and touched the man’s eyes, and once the man had washed, he came away seeing. Jesus had taken time to stop and heal the eyes of a man born blind.

In John 3, we read of Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, coming to Jesus by night. I see them sitting on a rooftop in the cool of the evening, Nicodemus asking his questions and Jesus giving him the answers he sought. Jesus wasn’t too busy to take the time to help a confused Pharisee.

In John 20, we find Mary Magdalene, grieving for her Lord, in agony of spirit, seeking comfort, and Jesus comes to her alone, and speaks words of life to her. He met her in her hour of need.

In John 4, we read an interesting statement, “And he must needs go through Samaria.” Why did Jesus need to go out of his way to the town of Samaria? Because there was a woman that would be at a particular well, at a particular time of day, that had an appointment with Jesus. She didn’t know this was going to happen, but her life was about to be changed. Jesus went searching for the “one”.

Even at the point of death, in excruciating agony, Jesus took the time to reach a soul for eternity. He extended forgiveness and granted eternal life to a common thief.

Over and over in the Word of God, we read of Jesus seeking out the “one”. He singled them out. He picked them out of crowds, he peered up into the branches of a tree to extend an invitation, he held out his hands to a doubter, he appeared in miraculous form to a simple Hebrew watching sheep in the desert. He realised, as we need to, that each person is unique, and each person has their own set of unique problems that need a unique, personalised way of being dealt with.

Luke 19:10 KJV - For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

The Lord Jesus came to earth to seek and to save the lost. He came to die. He came to bring new life. He came to bring hope. He came to bring comfort.

So where are the “ones” in your life?

Are you looking for the “one”? Are you actively searching for those that are hurting? Those that are in need of words of comfort? Those that desperately need Christ and the hope and life he offers? Are you looking for opportunities to be a blessing and encouragement to others on a one-on-one basis?

I’ve heard it said that there are 3 types of people:

The ones who care

The ones who don’t care

And the ones who need care.

The ones who care are people with a mindset like the Lord Jesus had in his ministry on earth. He reached out to those in need. He was sensitive to what was going on around him and he was alert and watchful and was always looking for the “one” in need.

Being someone who cares will cost you. It will cost you time. It will cost you money. It will cost you emotionally. Sometimes your reputation will be stained, just as the Lord Jesus was looked down upon by the Pharisees of his day, because he became known as a friend of sinners. (Luke 7:34) When you choose to help someone that no one cares about, you may get judgmental looks, or whispers of disdain. Your time will not be your own. There will be times when you have to drop everything to go to someone in need. Your plans may get upset and your schedule may get rearranged. Yes, being a person who cares will cost you.

But there are those who don’t care. There are those who are apathetic and are the takers of this world. They are happy to take but never give. They are self-centred and only interested in what benefits them. They see ‘things’ more important than people. Their possessions, their time, their money is all consuming and people are simply a means to an end. Their eyes are blind to those that are hurting. They attend their churches with closed eyes and ears, oblivious to the tears of an aching heart. Unaware of the soul that’s hurting, the child that needs comfort, or the one that’s barely making it through each day. They sit in their worship services, hoping only for something for themselves. They simply don’t care.

And then there are those in need of care. We all need care, and we all need distinct things at different seasons of our lives. But if you are sensitive and on the look out for those in need, you will see these ‘ones’. These ones in need of care.

There are so many ways that a person may need care. And often, the care they need can only be given by you, because of your particular personality, cultural background, life experiences or knowledge.

The trials we’ve been through, the lessons we have learnt, the wisdom we’ve been given, the comfort that has been extended to us is meant to be passed on.

Why do you think this passage is in the Bible?

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 KJV - Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

One of the reasons God comforts us and teaches and heals us, is so that we may be able to help someone else in their time of need.

He expects us to pass it on.

God expects us to learn from our trials and then in turn become a comfort, blessing and encouragement to someone else who is facing similar things and in need of a friend to come alongside, exhorting, helping, and showing love and compassion.

I have found in my life as I look back on my most difficult seasons, that at the time they made no sense and I wished them away, praying that God would free me from them. And yet all the while, he was preparing me for what lay ahead. He was putting me through the fire in order that I could be a help to someone facing those same flames with fear and doubt and in desperate need of a friend, a comforter, an encourager, someone to be an example of God’s amazing mercy. He put me through the fire so that I could pull someone else out.

Because of the strength God had built in me and the resolve and determination and the knowledge that God could do it for me and would be able to do it for them, I was able to reach out to the “one” that God brought across my path and miracles happened.

We need to remember that the most important ‘need’ is soul care. The world looks for care in all the wrong places. They search for it in diet. They search for it in mind-numbing substances. They search for it in relationships. They look to programs and 5 steps to success promises and yet they are left unsatisfied.

The reason is that only Jesus can satisfy. Only Jesus can bring peace and happiness. Only he can fill the emotional needs of a soul. We can only do so much in our own strength. We must have the Almighty hand of God undergirding all our endeavours.

I had a very good friend remind me of something very important and it really helped me at the time as I was reaching the “one” and needed encouragement.

She said, “Your job isn’t to be her Saviour, it’s to point her to the Saviour.” What a blessing it is to know that the Holy Spirit is there to lead and guide us and help us have the words to speak, but even more comforting is the knowledge that it’s not up to us. Our job is to point others to Christ.

All our words, our advice, our well-meaning, well-rehearsed words of comfort are all meant to point those we seek to help, to the Saviour. We should be constantly redirecting their gaze to the face of Jesus.

And so, I ask again, where are the “ones” in your life?

In all your groups and programs and ministries and churches, where are the individuals that God would have you seek out? Where is that one that with God’s enabling power, only you can reach? Where is that one that needs to hear of your past victories so that they can rejoice in the knowledge that there is hope?

Ask God to open your eyes and show you who he has put in your path that you can show the love of Christ to. Ask God to give you a sensitive and compassionate heart that hears the cries of the hurting even before you see the tears fall.

And when you have the chance to be a blessing, give God all the glory. He knew what he was doing in putting you in the right place at the right time. You are unique and God can use you, if you let him.


(Below is a poem I wrote in 2008, after a particularly hard season in my life.)



Something is needed in this world,

Of which many know nothing about.

People are crying out for help.

They are searching throughout all creation,

They are seeking in all the wrong places.

And sadly, they are going undetected,

By the masses that pass them by.

But, they need not fear,

God has raised up a people to help.

He is schooling and training by fire,

Those he wants to fill this need.

Through trials and tribulations,

He is bringing  forth a people,

Who through their suffering have learned,

To comfort the trembling heart,

To ease the afflicted mind.

They have learned the meaning of sorrow,

They have felt the fear of pain.

They have wet their pillows with tears,

And know what it means to despair.

But through it all they have studied,

And prayed and sought the Lord.

Theirs is now a ministry of comfort.

A life set apart for others.

They have searched the scriptures for encouragement.

They have meditated on the word.

They have gleaned the precious promises,

And have claimed them for their own.

And the time will come when a weary soul, full of hurt and pain,

Will be comforted by the comforters,

God has so aptly trained.

Their kind and compassionate words,

Will help to strengthen a heart.

They will lead the suffering soul,

Into a path of light.

They will guide them out of the darkness.

With a loving and gentle hand.

They will hurt with the hurting,

But will not give up,

When the pain becomes too much.

For they have learned from the TRUE Comforter,

How to treat an aching heart.

Through their fiery trials,

They have discovered words of comfort,

To help the despondent soul.

And oh, the comfort they can bring,

For through the fire, they too have been.