Monday 2 May 2022


Don’t Wait for the Quiet


In going over some old articles of mine from a few years ago, I came across one I had written on the subject of quiet time. It resonated with me in this particular season of my life, and I feel it is worth editing and reposting it, praying that it will be a help and a blessing to my readers.


As the girls were growing up, life was anything but quiet! As the sun peeked over the horizon, and the morning light filtered through the window, the cares of the day began to press in. A baby needing to be fed, a toddler crying, dishes to wash, baking to be done, tidying, dusting, sweeping, home-schooling to be started for the day and on and on it went.


Pretty soon, that much needed time alone with God was pushed aside and the distractions of life took over. I was always searching for that elusive 'piece of quiet' to sit and calmly take in what God wanted to say to me for that day. And before I knew it, the sun was setting, and another day had gone by without my soul being fed from the Word of God.


I always excused my lack of attention to studying the Word of God, to the fact that I didn’t have any ‘quiet’ to do it in. And when the quiet finally came, after everyone was asleep and settled for the night, I was just plain exhausted and longing for a peaceful, uninterrupted night’s sleep. I didn’t have anything left in me to spend focused time with the Lord.


But, over the years I have come to realise that it is God that supplies the quiet, we just need to supply the time. God doesn't expect us to come to Him with a quiet spirit in order to have a quiet time.


We come to him with our cup overflowing with confusion, worries, troubles, disappointments, and He graciously and lovingly pours it out and fills our cup with His peace and love and joy. He knows that life is busy and sometimes we're overwhelmed with our to do list. But if we would just stop for a moment, give God some of our precious time, He would bring the quiet that is needed into our hearts.


In looking back, I regret the times I spent reading a novel while the kids were having an afternoon nap, when I could have spent even a few minutes reading God’s Word and maybe some much needed time in prayer.


Now, I’m not saying that every moment free that you have, you are to spend in worship and quietness, alone with the Lord. God wants us to enjoy simple pleasures and hobbies we may have. But he also longs for us to give him a portion of every day, just sitting and meditating on his Word. Learning from him, worshipping him, praising him.


Matthew 11:28-30

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.


Did you know that this hurry and worry and exhaustion we experience in our day to day lives is nothing new? Over 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus had to remind the people of that day to come unto him and rest.


We are not the first generation to struggle with this. You are not alone in finding time to rest and refresh. You are not alone in the endless cycle of busyness and the difficulty it is to carve out a few minutes in your day, dedicated to having a quiet time with the Lord.


Our quiet time is a gift from God. He wants us to come alone into His presence and bring our cares to Him. The quietness comes from our relationship with Him, coming to Him and letting Him rearrange our thought processes. He calms the inner storms and brings His peace, the peace that only He can give.


Sometimes we only have 5 minutes to give to Him, we pour out our cares and He pours in His peace. Other times, we have an hour to give to God and these times can be so beautiful and refreshing to our souls.


We need to remember that we don't need to 'find quiet' in order to draw near to God, we just need to be willing to come to Him with a humble heart and ask Him to bring the quiet that we need so desperately.


It’s all in our attitude and our willingness to take that first step. The step that says, “I’ll put down my book for a few minutes, I’ll stop endlessly scrolling on my phone, I’ll settle the kids down with a book or some activity, I’ll ignore my texts for a few minutes” and take some time to spend with God. We have to make a choice to come to him and rest.


I know for me, when the girls were little, I would make excuses for not having a quiet time. It just wasn't quiet. I thought I had to have quiet in order for God to hear me. God hears us even in the middle of a cyclone and yes, sometimes it felt like that kind of chaos.


It really is a heart issue. Bringing our hearts in tune with God. Waiting on Him. Having an attitude of humbleness and meekness. In the middle of all the clamour, calling out to Him to bring His peace. We have to desire to spend time with him and make a choice to sit down and learn from him, despite what is going on around us.


We need to stop what we’re doing, and sit down, mentally and physically, whether it’s quiet or not, and begin reading the Word and letting God speak to our hearts. Even a verse or two can be meditated on all day long.


Regardless of what season of life you find yourself in, whether you have small children running about, or you’re busy with your career or maybe you have adult children like myself, it’s so important to make time for God. It’s imperative that you force yourself, despite how you’re feeling, to sit and listen to the Lord, resting in him, letting the burdens slide off your weary shoulders, laying all your cares on him and letting him refresh your soul.


1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.


I am blessed now to finally be able to spend that hour alone with God, without distraction, but oh what peace I could have enjoyed if only I had realised that I needed to give God my time and He would have brought the quiet.


We are so blessed with the ability, through technology, to be able to listen to the Bible being read aloud as we go about our day. We are blessed with Godly music to listen to, to sooth our souls. We are blessed with sermons we can listen to at the touch of a button. I make use of these regularly, but it should never take the place of concentrated time with Him.


It really is a privilege to be able to spend time with God. It shouldn’t be a chore or a duty. It should be something we long for and look forward to and can’t live without. It’s amazing to think that the God of the universe, the Creator of the world, the Saviour of mankind, seeks to have a close and intimate relationship with us, undeserving sinners that we are.


We often quote this verse and even know it as a song, but have you really thought about it in relation to your quiet time?


Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


It really is true, that if we seek him first, taking time to fellowship with him, he will take care of everything. ALL these things. What things? The preceding verses speak of food and drink and clothing, but I think it encompasses everything!


Taking time out to meditate on His Word will change your days. It will bring perspective; it will bring peace and comfort. It will give you direction and wisdom. You will still face difficulties and trials, but you will have the calm assurance that you are facing them with the Lord by your side.


Don’t wait for quiet to have a quiet time. Take that first step and let God bring the quiet. Step out in faith and rejoice in what he can do! Bring him the little that you have and watch him multiply it!


You supply the time, and God will supply the quiet!






1 comment:

  1. Hi Jillian, thank you for sharing. How much we miss when we don't take the opportunity early each morning with the Lord. How special that time spent alone with God is and how much it often helps us throughout the day. Often the scripture is exactly what we needed to face the day ahead. I am grateful we can rest in His promises to us - Isaiah 40:11 is a true blessing for Mothers with young children. Even amongst the busy-ness of the day meditating upon a single verse in a time of seeming chaos or struggle can bring peace and help. Blessings, Caroline xx
