Friday 26 April 2024


Worship is a Weapon


I recently wrote a post on giving the enemy a seat at your table, based on Psalm 23:5.

Psalm 23:5 KJV - 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Remember, God prepares a table for us, but it is not out of sight of our enemies. It is in the presence of them. In full view.

The Christian walk is a daily battle against the flesh. But the battle begins in our mind. We don’t fight a physical fight, we fight a spiritual battle, that can only be won with supernatural spiritual power, and that power comes from God. (Ephesians 6:12)

I have often wondered why it is that God prepares the table in the midst of our enemies. It doesn’t seem to make sense. But just because it doesn’t make sense, doesn’t mean God is not in control. He knows what he’s doing.

Let me stop and say something really important right here.

The power of the table is not what’s on it, but who’s at it!

In other words, it’s not all about the feast, it’s about the King. The Almighty. The God of Creation, who chooses to sit with us at the table he has prepared.

One of our best defences against the Devil is getting to know Jesus intimately. I don’t mean knowing about him, I mean knowing him personally.

There is a lot of difference between knowing a lot about something and truly experiencing something up close.

We have to learn to linger with Jesus. To sit at the table with him. Learning from him and about him and loving him with our whole heart. Just as Mary did, sitting at his feet. (Luke 10:39)

When our eyes are fixed on the host of the table, we won’t be so concerned about who is looking on.

If you want ammunition against the Devil, you have to get to know Jesus. You have to learn about his character. You have to read the Word to learn the truth about him. You have to explore his grace, his mercy, love, holiness, omnipotence through letting the Holy Spirit guide you in all truth. (John 16:13 and John 14:26)

How do we get to know God? We spend time talking with him, reading his Word, going through life’s trials and seeing God work, experiencing his love and grace.

The Bible is a story of God’s greatness. It’s not all about us. It’s about him. God’s glory matters.

Did you know that we become what we worship?

Take a look at Psalm 115. In this Psalm, we read about the idols of the heathens. We read that they have mouths, but they can’t speak. Ears, but they can’t hear. Eyes, but they can’t see, and so on. And then we come to verse 8.

Psalm 115:8 KJV - They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.

Did you notice that little phrase, “so is every one”?

If you are worshiping idols, whatever that is in your life, then you will become like them. But if you are worshipping God, then you will become like him.

We know it’s true about our friends, those that influence us, then why would it not be true of God? If we spend time at the table with Christ, lingering, learning, loving and worshipping, then we will become more like him.

When we focus on Jesus, our countenance changes.

Psalm 34:4-5 KJV -  I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.

I love that one of the definitions of that word ‘lightened’, means to sparkle.

The hope that Jesus gives, shines from our eyes. Or at least it should. We’ve all heard the jokes about Christians having a long face. It’s not a compliment, and let’s hope it is never said of you.

We need the world around us to see the light of Christ in our eyes, noticing something different about us.

And this brings me back to my questioning God about the table being in the midst of our enemies.

When you sit at the table with Christ, the enemy has ringside seats. If you have not invited them to sit down, by your thoughts or actions, they are watching on. What do they see?

Do they see your face glowing as you stare into the face of God’s majesty and glory?

Do they see that you are so transfixed by Christ’s presence that their existence does not faze you?

I wonder if one of the reasons God allows them to be present is so that our enemies can watch us shine? They can see not only God’s glory, but our testimony as we seek to be lights in a dark world.

Maybe, if others see Christ in you and notice how you react or respond to things in your life, maybe, they will stop staring at you and turn their attention to Christ. We know that if they don’t bow now, they will have to later. (Romans 14:11)

I know I may be confusing some, with my reference to enemies switching back and forth from the Devil to the world, but I think we need to be mindful of both. We know that the Devil is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) and he is like a roaring lion seeking to devour us (1 Peter 5:8).

The world is also our enemy. If they are not for God, then they are against him. But we are told to love our enemies. We are not however, told to love the Devil. Satan cannot come to repentance and there is no hope for his redemption, he has been defeated already and has his future signed and sealed. But the world, on the other hand, has the ability to turn to Christ.

And so, at our table we sit, with Christ, and with the world and our enemy, Satan, looking on.

Worship is a weapon.

Strange choice of words, I know. But as I mentioned in my last post Don’t ever underestimate the power of thanksgiving, praise and worship. When the enemy is attacking and you make the choice to praise God and focus your attention on what he has done in the past and what he will do in the future, the Devil has no choice but to fall back.

As our enemies stand about, watching us at our table, they can hear our song of worship. The Devil despises worship of God, but the world looks at it and marvels.

The world longs for peace and hope and is always seeking someone or something to worship. When they see our heartfelt, sincere gratitude to God, despite the difficulties we face, when they see us giving praise to God although things seem a mess, it causes them to ponder, and our ‘weapon of worship’ can be a shining light that leads them to Christ.

I pray that you are choosing worship. The apostle Paul tells us that as sons of God we are to shine like the stars in a dark world. (Philippians 2:14-16) Just as the stars shine in the heavens, so are we to shine for the Lord. The word ‘lights’ has to do with being illuminators. We are to make manifest or make clear the gospel and good news to all. We are told to be lights in the world. (Matthew 5:14-16)

It’s not all about us. It’s all about Christ and His glory. Jesus is the light.  We are just reflectors of His light. And when our lamps are all smoky and we let our testimonies get tarnished, we need to clean them up and repent, so that we can shine brighter.

But how? We have to stay connected to the power source or we become weak and ineffective. We need constant recharging – walking and talking with God 24/7. Just like a mobile phone will slowly be depleted of its power and battery life, when it is unplugged from its power source, we too will run low on power if we are not in the Word of God daily, refreshing our souls, talking with the Lord and listening to Him speak to us. We have to recharge daily.

And we have to sit at the table with him. In the presence of our enemies.

As one writer put it, “You have to think less about the Devil or the evil you’re trying to avoid and think more about God and the truth you’re aiming to embrace.” (Philippians 4:8)

We win the battle because of who sits at the table with us when we’re surrounded on every side. We win the battle when we choose to become more like Christ through worship of him. We win the battle when we decide to take our thoughts captive, in obedience to Christ, identifying them for what they are, binding them in Jesus’ name and speaking God’s truth over them. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

But we won’t know God’s truth if we don’t take the time to know Christ.

You have a choice. You can fight the battle for your mind because of God’s power and experience a great victory, or you can choose to struggle on, listening to lies and spiralling because you have neglected to know Christ intimately, through his Word.

It’s up to you.

You choose.

Psalm 23:4-5 KJV - Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.








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