Saturday 30 March 2024


Abigail McKenna

Testimony of Salvation

I was born and raised in a wonderful Christian home. Coming from generations of Christian families was a blessing I took for granted when I was younger. I now realize just how amazing it really is to be surrounded by so many people who not only love and support me but also believe and serve the same true God as I do.

I was saved at the age of 12 on the night of the 31st of August as I sat on the end of my parent's bed and prayed that God would come into my heart and forgive me of my sins. After many years of pushing against it and putting it off for another day, (in part because I didn’t know what people would think of me for waiting so long even though I had known the truth about heaven and hell and what it meant to be saved for some time, and I also figured that because I was young, I would have plenty of time to do it later), I finally had true peace that only God can give.

From the time I asked Jesus to save me and take control of my life, I felt a peace like no other. I had moments of doubt from time to time but God always reminded me that my eternity was settled.

I was baptized a couple years later, but the date has slipped my mind.

And now as I write this as a 26 year old mum of 4 (soon to be 5), I am reminded daily of the amazing and awesome God we serve. I am so thankful for the man he has given me to serve beside and raise children with. And for parents who raised me and my siblings the way they did and for the love and support they give me and my family.

Life certainly hasn’t been all smooth and easy but I know God is right here with us, leading and guiding though every hardship life will bring. Before I finish, I want to share a story of the time I learnt what it meant to truly fear God.


On this one particular night not so long ago, my husband and kids were all asleep and I was loading the car for a town trip the next day and cleaning all the mess from that day. It was close to midnight, I was exhausted and stressed about the list of things that needed to be done and all the things that were hanging over me making me feel like I wasn’t enough. And the pain and heartache that I carried from having two miscarriages. I felt so far from God that night and not even sure he was hearing my prayers. 

So, I sat down outside in the dark under the stars and I prayed something like this “God if you can really hear me and if you really care about me, show me with a shooting star”. Now it does sound a little crazy, but I really needed God to show me his love in a way I could see and understand. So, after I prayed, I sat there not sure of what was going to happen and in less than 15 seconds God sent a star shooting across the sky right in front of me. In that moment it felt like God was right there with me telling me “It’s ok my child I’ve got you and I do care”.  I wasn’t afraid even though it made the hair on my neck stand up, I was just in awe of how much God cared for me. I was just one person and God had time for me. I finally knew what true righteous fear was and that I didn’t need to be afraid of God in order to fear Him.

It felt like such a silly thing to pray for, but God knew it was exactly what I needed, and he did it just for me. Now as awesome as that was of course my mind was like, "well shooting stars happen all the time and maybe it was just a coincidence". So, I prayed once more for God to show another shooting star so I would not doubt He was there with me. And again within 15 seconds He shot one across the sky and I knew that He really was there with me the whole time, through my heartaches and troubles. And that I should not doubt again.

I want to encourage anyone who feels alone or like God is not listening to your prayers and cries, He is, and you are not alone. Maybe God is silent because He is waiting for you to turn back to him. Open your heart and let him work in your life. Remember He will never leave or forsake you.

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